History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies.

-Alexis de Tocqueville

You won’t get wet trying to find this next clue, as long as you stick to the path, cowboys and cowgirls.

If it wasn’t for the railroad, Mobridge probably wouldn’t exist. Our next cache sits on land south of the railroad, near where the roundhouse was. A roundhouse is where they would run the trains in, service them, and use a large turntable to turn them around so they could head back east or west. Once the railroad decided to make this a division point, many railroad workers decided to make their homes in Mobridge. Take a Main to Walleye Way and look for a monument, completed in 2018, by South Dakota sculptor John Lopez.

Before moving on to the next clue, take a moment to soak up the beautiful Lake Oahe views.