You have to look at history as an evolution of society.

-Jean Chretien

This next cache is in an amazing spot, so we saved it for last. The building is closed on weekends, so if you don’t get a chance to see inside in person, the Klein Museum has pictures and history to share with you.

This location was also a WPA project. WPA paid 40% of the cost and bonds were sold to pay for the remainder. From 1937 to 2010, it was the home of every Tiger basketball game in the City. People would flood Main Street, and the stands were always packed. It’s been the site of home shows, hospital bazaars, and our annual ice fishing tournament rules meeting.

Lawrence Welk performed there several times in the early years of his career. There was once a square dance contest with 41 squares of dancers on the floor at one time!

In 1990, the building was renamed in honor of two local brothers who competed in the Olympics for wrestling and a one-of-a-kind Native American painter who worked there in his early career.